Part of an epidural needle was found in the spine of a woman who gave birth 14 years ago. Amy Bright, 41, underwent a C-section at a hospital in Jacksonville, Florida. Two months later, she experienced her first serious back pain, which has affected her life ever since.

Last year, a CT scan revealed a 3cm-long needle fragment buried in the spine. This will cause the needle to break. When he realized this, he reacted with surprise, anger and fear. Through it all, she became aware of the epidural she had received more than a decade before Jacob’s pain began.

Amy’s freedom of movement is severely limited due to nerve damage in her left foot and leg. He says the discomfort he has experienced for the past 14 years is due to scar tissue in his spine caused by the movement of the needles.

Amy went to several doctors and was prescribed various medications to relieve the pain, but the pain persisted. It burns like fire near my coccyx. He says it sometimes extends from the left side of the calf to the foot.

Bright and his attorney, Sean Cronin, filed a lawsuit against the federal government, claiming the needles permanently damaged Bright’s nerves. Cronin alleges that Naval Hospital Florida was to blame for a botched spinal injection in September 2003.

He said employees knew the needles were damaged and did nothing to correct the problem even though they had the opportunity to prevent the injuries. Bright is currently neglecting the Naval Hospital.

Doctors warned that if the stitches were not removed quickly, Amy could be permanently paralyzed. It got to the point where she was constantly on fire. I am very worried about the future. “[My legs] are getting weaker,” he said. I might be in a wheelchair.

“I’m terrified because I don’t know what the future will bring. I’m afraid and wary.” If the needle is not taken out immediately, the doctor warns that Amy risks paralysis that would last a lifetime.

“The discomfort is so severe that it feels like a never-ending burn. I’m terrified of the unpredictable future.”  I have no idea what to anticipate, and this is incredibly unsettling.

We can’t help but wish her all the best, both regarding the law suit she intended against the federal government, but more importantly, we pray for her health and that she will be able to get rid of the ‘burning’ feeling she has in her back. May you find justice, Amy!

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