The similarities between human and dog brains explain why humans and dogs have been best friends for centuries!
Since humans and dogs have coexisted for over 30,000 years, scientists have discovered a reason why the two species get along. In other words, we discovered surprising similarities in the brains of humans and dogs.

Dogs respond to emotions expressed through speech in a similar way to humans. Studies have shown that both dogs and humans have similar brain structures for this process.
The film explains the special bond between a boy and numerous German dogs: A boy was caught playing with 14 dogs, and the video went viral. The film presents a very different perspective to the common assumption that these dogs are aggressive and dangerous around children.
Back to the study, the results suggest that dogs’ love for us goes beyond their desire for food. Rather, like humans, they care about us for reasons such as social comfort and interpersonal relationships.
A previous study by researchers at Emory University in Atlanta, US, found that humans and dogs share brain regions associated with happy emotions.
In fact, this study supports what dog owners have intuitively suspected for a long time: that their dogs feel love and affection.