An innocent man was sentenced to 17 years in prison, but the judge ordered his release after re-examining the evidence in the case.

If the law is broken, those responsible must bear the consequences. But what if the person who committed the crime was actually someone who had a family at home, obeyed the law, tried to stay on the right path, and lived a quiet life?

If you don’t believe in unfortunate situations, let me tell you the story of someone who will change your mind. He spent almost 20 years of his life in prison for crimes he was not responsible for.

Richard Anthony Jones lived an ordinary life in Missouri with his wife and children. He was a devoted father, husband and citizen and worked tirelessly every day to make sure his home had everything it needed.

One day he was approached by several policemen, after which he was arrested for not being involved in the crime. He claimed he was a humble, God-fearing man who did his best to support his family and had no idea what the controversy was about.

At the final trial, when no fingerprints were found at the scene, witnesses confirmed that he committed armed robbery. He therefore began serving his sentence in a maximum security prison in 1999. He was familiar with the concept.

In the end, the system seemed to work against him. At the facility where Richard is incarcerated, he is often mistaken for another inmate who appears to be his twin brother, as Richard has heard from other inmates. Besides, they both have the same name. After learning this surprising fact, the man went to court and tried to explain to his official lawyer what he had heard in prison, but no one listened to him. In the end it failed.

After the appeal, his lawyer presented Richard with a photograph of his physically identical “twin”. They concluded that the culprit was still at large. After spending 17 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit, an innocent man was finally freed in 2016.

As the court handed down its decision, he looked at his beautiful 17-year-old newborn daughter, who appeared to be smiling brightly at him. This man went through many difficult situations and spent the rest of his life in prison because of his mistakes, but who knows what misery the real culprit of the crime goes through.

If it was him, many would be upset. Please tell everyone about this great event!

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