Every woman who wants to have a baby is very happy when she finds out that she is pregnant and wants to do an ultrasound scan to find out how the baby is growing in the womb.

When Becky-Jo Allen went for an ultrasound, the doctor told her she was having triplets. I think this news will shock the parents-to-be, right?

The woman was very happy and couldn’t wait to meet her children. After she gave birth, she had another surprise. All her children were boys, but surprisingly, they were all unique.

Looks like Becky-Jo Allen just gave birth to identical triplets. This is very unusual as the odds of this happening are 1 in 200 million.

The parents had another daughter who was looking forward to being a big sister, but did not expect to come home from the hospital with three identical babies. But her parents were worried about their daughter’s behavior.

The family lives in Liverpool, England. After their first daughter was born, they realized they wanted to have more children and start a family, but they weren’t sure exactly how many they wanted. I think it was God who decided that for them and blessed me with triplets.

He sure knows how to get things done for each of us. Above we see an ultrasound of a pregnant woman. We will definitely have triplets!

But being pregnant with triplets can be difficult, and mothers-to-be need support from their families. Becky-Jo was feeling sick and suffering from severe migraines early in her pregnancy, so she went to the doctor early to make sure everything was okay.

Person A said that she was shocked to hear that she was giving birth to triplets because none of her in-laws had given birth to triplets, so no one expected such news from the doctor.

The three boys were born by C-section at 31 weeks, each weighing about 3 pounds, 5 ounces. The parents decided to choose similar names for their babies, naming them Rohan, Roman and Rocco. After they were born, the triplets did well, gained weight and became healthy, ready to go home with their parents and big sister at six weeks.

Doctors initially said the boys were not identical triplets, but everyone who went to see them said they looked identical, so Becky-Jo decided to investigate further.

The parents took separate DNA tests and here are the results: All three were genetically identical! It is very difficult to have triplets during a natural pregnancy. That’s because at the beginning of pregnancy, one egg has to split into two eggs, and then one of the two eggs has to split again into the other egg.

In vitro fertilization facilitates the achievement of such tasks. Becky-Jo said she couldn’t tell the three babies apart, even though they looked alike.

They say they look the same when they sleep, but their personalities are different, so it’s easy to tell them apart. Plus, triplets are very active from birth, so just changing diapers keeps the babies busy, the parents said.

Their older sister, Indiana, has been very happy and protective of her siblings since they came home.

They say I’m always proud of my big sister! Becky-Jo said that she and her husband still try to give Indiana as much attention as they want, because they don’t want their daughter to be neglected, and they think all the parents’ attention is on the triplets.

The triplets are adorable and the whole family loves spending time with them. There is no joy in a family with four wonderful children who fill the house with happiness.

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