The decision to take a loved one off life support can be one of the most difficult decisions anyone faces, especially when the prognosis is poor. After his wife Jill falls into a coma, Ryan Finley is left with a daunting task. Ryan found Jill unconscious and unresponsive. She did everything she could, including performing CPR and praying for recovery, in the critical moments before paramedics arrived.

Jill knew the chances of a happy outcome were slim, her heart weak and her breathing shallow, but Ryan refused. Fortunately, emergency services arrived in time and managed to revive him. He was taken to Oklahoma Heart Hospital and treated with a special ice pack. The most important thing was to protect the brain from further damage due to lack of oxygen. Because of his condition, he fainted.

Despite the dire diagnosis from medical staff, Jill’s partner Ryan turned to hope and prayer. He continued to pray as the days passed and was told that his recovery was doubtful.

Finally, he was asked to allow doctors to withdraw Jill’s life support. Ryan’s diary for this day reflects his fears and hardships. He described the pain of deciding whether to let Jill go. In the end, he weighed his wishes and let her go rather than prolong her suffering.

As the family gathered to say their last goodbyes to Jill, the device was turned off and doctors told her that Jill would not die as soon as she experienced the “final encounter.”

During this time, Jill babbled and expressed her desire to go to her favorite Mexican restaurant, Ted’s, or the Melting Pot, before asking her husband to kick her out. Ryan was sad, but he thought Jill would win.

Fortunately, Ryan’s optimism paid off and Jill survived, underwent heart surgery and, after a long recovery, was able to breathe on her own for the first time. Despite her miraculous recovery, Jill had difficulty with short-term memory and difficulty pronouncing certain words and phrases, but she had no memory of the coma.

Jill’s miraculous recovery was the result of advanced medical technology and the support and hope of her family. Jill’s persistence in the face of adversity has given her a second chance at life and deepened her and her loved ones’ gratitude every day.

Jill’s prayers are answered as she receives long-term ventilator treatment despite having the coronavirus. Despite losing her husband and sister to the virus, the 65-year-old was given a second chance at life.

His general health was satisfactory, and he was anxious to seize this opportunity. After standing by her side through difficult times, Jill was delighted to find that their relationship was stronger than ever.

Jill says they now love every moment and cherish their time together more than ever. Watching her loved ones succumb to the dreaded cancer, Jill no longer takes everything for granted.

Watch the video below to see Jill’s special story in more detail. Don’t forget to share this inspiring story with your friends and family on Facebook!

Surprise Awakening
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