Cucumbers and tomatoes are a source of nutrition, rich in water, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. However, according to Ayurvedic principles, it should not be consumed as part of the same meal. Combining different types of vegetables with different digestion times can cause gastrointestinal fermentation and contaminate other parts of the body.

Fast-digesting vegetables, such as tomatoes, are processed before slower-digesting vegetables, such as cucumbers, thereby disrupting the digestive mix. To ensure proper digestion, Ayurveda recommends choosing salads that take about the same amount of time to digest.

Therefore, the body’s resources are used to break down food and efficiently absorb nutrients into the blood. Combining tomatoes and cucumbers is not recommended as it can interfere with digestion. Depending on the fermentation process, problems such as gas, bloating or abdominal pain may occur.

Also, after meals, avoid other food combinations that delay digestion, such as fruit or macaroni and cheese (or macaroni and meat). Avoid eating too much protein at one time, such as eating several meats or cheeses at one meal. Cheese can also cause bloating when combined with vegetables.

For good digestion, it is best to limit the consumption of fruit immediately after meals and diversify your meals with a variety of proteins and carbohydrates. Orange juice is a highly acidic drink that can destroy the enzymes that digest starch.

Therefore, it is not recommended to take it with food such as bread or noodles, as it may cause indigestion. In addition, melons and melons should be eaten alone. This is because eating it with other fruits can cause digestive problems.

Eating milk and bananas together slows digestion. A healthy breakfast of fruit and yogurt may sound appealing, but this combination can disrupt the balance of intestinal flora and slow down digestion.

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