As you may have heard in the service sector, “the customer is always right,” but there are always some people who show this to be untrue!

It’s obvious what this statement really means for those of us who have worked in customer service—some people think they are superior to everyone else and expect to be treated as such, almost like a king or queen, but they treat customer service representatives like paupers.

Though she is a fictional employee of an airline, this woman shows a very shrewd way of handling extremely impolite people—customers!

I laughed out loud when she responded to a rowdy passenger by politely and professionally letting him know where he belonged!
The woman’s response is simply amazing, so read the story on this page and don’t be afraid to share it!

The airport employee at LaGuardia Airport in New York should be awarded a medal for her handling of this rude traveler!

This is for you ladies and gentlemen! Have you ever had to deal with a grumpy client?

This one agent rescheduled everyone for a later flight with Southwest Airlines because the extremely crowded and fully booked flight had to be canceled due to severe weather.

Suddenly, a vengeful traveler shoved his way to the front of the queue.

With a sneer, he threw his ticket on the table.

She declares, “This aircraft has to carry me, and it has to be first class.”.

The agent replied, saying:.

I sincerely apologize, sir. I promise to try my hardest to help you, but I have to help these people first. After that, I’m sure we can figure something out. “.

Not in the slightest impressed this passenger!

With a voice loud enough for the other passengers to hear, he demanded:.

“AREN’T YOU ASKED WHAT I AM?” asks the narrator.

Next, the agent shot up to her public address microphone with a quick smile.

“Well,” she said.

“Please, could I have your whole attention?”.

A passenger who doesn’t know who he is is waiting for us at Gate 14. “.

“If anyone can help him with his identification, please come to Gate 14. “.

While the man gritted his teeth and stared at the woman, the people behind him were laughing uncontrollably.

“Now,” he said.

“You’re in a bad place!”.

The woman spoke up without thinking and grinned broadly.

Thank you for accepting my apologies, Sir. For that, you will also need to wait in line. “.

Read the story on this page to see it, and don’t forget to share it with your loved ones so you can laugh together! The woman’s response is truly amazing!

For how she handled this annoying passenger, the employee at the LaGuardia Airport check-in desk in New York deserves a medal!

This one’s for the ladies and gentlemen out there: have you ever had to deal with a cranky client?

This one agent rescheduled everyone for a later flight with Southwest Airlines because the extremely crowded and fully booked flight had to be canceled due to severe weather.

Next, a irate traveler abruptly moved to the front of the queue.

With a sneer, he threw his ticket on the table.

She declares, “This aircraft has to carry me, and it has to be first class.”.

The agent answered as follows:.

I apologize, sir. While I’m sure we can work something out, I have to help these people first. After that, I’ll try my best to help you. “.

Not in the slightest impressed this passenger!

With a voice loud enough for the other passengers to hear, he demanded:.

The narrator asks, “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?”.

Next, the agent shot up to her public address microphone with a quick smile.

“Well,” said she.

“I would appreciate your full attention.”.

“We have a passenger at Gate 14 who is unsure of his identity. “.

“If anyone can help him identify himself, please come to Gate 14. “.

The man clenched his teeth and stared at the woman as the people behind him burst out laughing.

“Well,” he said.

“You’re in a pickle!”.

With a kind smile, the woman spoke without hesitation:.

Thank you for accepting my apologies, Sir. For that, you will also need to wait in line. “.

TALK and laugh together with those you love by sharing this endearing and humorous story!

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